Mobilize Humanity
for Gaia
We have what is needed to begin.
This is a plan to build teams, gather supplies, find sites for food forests to be grown, as 5Body-Villager-and-Gaia-Regeneration Projects.
We can beta-test our way into a bright future.
Empowering waves of humans to unpave paradise, green wastelands and deserts, while training the next wave of mobilizers. Learning individually to keep our 5 Bodies well-fed so that the ecstasy of doing this work together brings widespread Love into the world.
To regenerate Gaia.
There is a part (or several parts) for each person to play, according to your knacks, and what you have figured out so far. Collaboration has never been so healing and fun, using distinctions, tools, thoughtmaps and processes from Possibility Management to turn strangers into teammates, working side by side on this consequential project.
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